Monday 23 September 2019


Today I was learning how to duplicate slides and move them ever so slightly.
I enjoyed moving the character across the page.
I found it challenging to make the character on drawings.
My digital learning object shows I am able to duplicate slides.
Next time I would change where I start my animal on the map in England.

Monday 16 September 2019

Monday 2 September 2019

Today I was learning how to poly line the flag and flower as well as the animal.
I enjoyed concentrating on the line around the animal. 
I found it challenging to put a line around the animal
My digital learning object shows I am able to poly line anything.
Next time I would change how we do the rose and add more detail.

Visiting the Hustlers

On Tuesday after lunch we got to go and feed and observe the Hustlers long fin eels.  We used venison to lure the eels so we could see them. Mrs Bennett brought the meat to school and Mrs Gault took the photos. In the container there was blood so we used it to bring the eels to us. When we got back we wrote either poems or instructions. I wrote instructions on 'How to lure an eel'.

How to lure an eel
You will need:
Fresh venison
A stick or harakeke or string.
Blood from meat.

1.Make sure the stream or river is clear enough so you can see the length of the eel.
2.Put your piece of venison on your stick.
3.Tip blood into the water. (If you have any).
4.Sit so your stick with meat is in the murky water.
5.Put it near the top of the water so you can view the eel as it approaches the meat.
6.Shake your meat around in the water so they think they will have to fight for it.
7.Sit there nice and quietly until  you can see something dark creeping up on you.
8.If you have string or harakeke you can feel them tugging.
9.They seem to like their belly scratched too so once they eat your meat, try giving them a scratch.
By John