Friday 31 July 2020

Zoo Debate

For the past week we have been writing persuasive pieces of writing we did Why Zoos are cruel and should be banned. We wrote it to convince our audience why it should and shouldn't be banned. I choose why it shouldn't be banned. I hope you agree.

I strongly disagree that Zoos are cruel and should be banned. 

To start with Zoos try their absolute hardest to  give animals their exact diet. As well as their  habitat planting trees, putting climbing rocks in and water to swim in as well as drink. They also put vitamins in the food to try and expand their life span. 

In fact,I believe they’re being saved because being in the wild elephants get hunted for their tusks because of their ivory for piano keys and other daily things. Even tigers for their skin and fur. Now you may be thinking what about monkey’s and yes the poor primates, trees getting cleared and grasslands drying up. 

Even though they’re getting fed human treats that is bad their still getting fed proper foods and getting health care so even if they were in the wild they would get better care and you will still be thinking they only get sick in Zoos but… NO! They also can get life threatening illnesses. 

So in conclusion they should without a doubt stay open because the endangered animals will go extinct. So therefore Zoos need to stay open. 

Wednesday 22 July 2020

Fabric fun

Today in Sewing we had to cut out fabrics for beanies, to keep our heads warm on camp. For camp we are going skiing at Mount Ruapeha. So we had to cut out bright polar fleece so we had 3 colours green, orange and pink so we can get seen.  The polar fleece is so Mrs Bennett and Mr Knight know's it's our class. We had to cut out the thick material for the inside. It was hard to cut because some of the scissors were blunt.