Thursday 29 November 2018

go cart

I learned that once you start you feel better once your down the bottom of the hill.
I really enjoyed watching everyone's creations.
I found it hard to get my braveness up to go down because I looked at Miss Dods like "really".
I found it easy to get my go cart back to school.
Next time I would work on getting better brakes.
This blog post shows I am a Stepping Up blogger

Monday 26 November 2018

Wellington reflection

Today I worked on sisomo and creating a DLO about our school camp in Wellington.
I learned how to embed the spark adobe on to my blog.
I really enjoyed making the slides then downloading them into spark adobe.
I found it hard to find the photos for the slide show as they were all amazing.
I found it easy to do some of the writing.
Next time I am going to try to embed my own spark adobe.
This blog post shows I am  a Stepping Up blogger. 

Thursday 15 November 2018

Wellington camp 2018

  Travell day
On Sunday Room 4 went along the coast of the North Island in a huge bus that had an amazing talented driver named Don he struggled through some straights where it was really windy in some spots where the bus driver was having to slow down just in case we tipped we had John Redpath and Simon Hustler in the chase vehicle behind the bus once we were through the foreraters we arrived in Wairoa for a quick toilet stop for most of us because we had to all quickly go.
Next we shoot through into Napier for a run and some lunch that we had. We explored all around where we had eaten our lunch and all the history and famous people that had been there. Also there was a sun ball that it had instructions on what you had to do. Miss Dods had brought movies that we watched going through the whindy parts so we didn’t get sick and so we weren’t to loud. We also stopped in at Dannevirke for a petrol stop and to go toilet in mcdonalds. Then after our long trip to our retreat it was called Silverstream Retreat. Once we got into our base I put my bags on the bottom bunk there were 3 bunk beds in each room so Hohepa, Charlie B and I had a bunk bed each. The chefs were incredible cooking amazing meals for us all first we had lasagna the first night that was spectacular.

Day 1:
We woke up with a noke noke it was Mr Knight so we got up got dressed went into our meeting place in the front with our shoes on ready to run with Carole Redpath we ran around the retreat. Down the hill and to a field about 1 minute away but we did some activities that warmed us up to get ready for the day. Some of us had showers. Then we went to the dining room on display for breakfast there was Coco Pops, Rice Bubbles, WeetBix, Muesli and toast with all the toppings like Honey, Marmite, peanut butter and different jams. Next we wander off back to our base. Once we got to Parliament we saw our educator his name was William Davies he told us to put our bags in a lock up cage so we could sit in the seats and I ended up being the Prime Minister but in the pretend debating chamber. Which I thought was pretty cool as it is the same as the real debating chamber same carpet but not the same chairs when we went in to the real chamber we didn’t get to sit in there chairs I

To be continued

Friday 2 November 2018


Room 4 wrote about Wellington locations for where we are going on camp and I wrote about Wellington zoo and I wrote an imaginary piece of writing I had to then put it in a story that we had to read to room 3. I was frightened but then I became confident.

Wellington Zoo

Wellington Zoo

It started on a gloomy foggy morning. I want to touch an elephant and also touch a tiger. I want to see gorillas, baboons, dingo and a scorpion. I am going to enjoy learning about the animals as well as going around at feeding time. But then I would want to be a animal at night then I looked outside it was night.

I want to be a lion at night roaring as loud as I can be, tearing up my raw beef straight from a farm and the blood dripping from my mouth. If the animals get let out I would hope that they had been feed otherwise I wouldn’t be there very long if they hadn’t been feed. There are so many interesting animals.

It was 5 o’clock in the morning. Then all of a sudden this scary headless monster appeared out of nowhere and it I guessed it was afraid of the sunlight because it was trying to find a dark place to hide but of course it was walking into everything and anything.     
had knifes all through it, had hawk talons as the front feet, paws and a body like a human.
My class had already left 10 hours ago but it was because I had gone to the bathroom. I came out, it was like it was abandoned. There was no one walking around, it was dead silence. So then I climbed up a ladder then fell into this pond thing. Next I climbed out and found this big furry animal. It was like a pillow so I fell right to sleep then I woke up and this is where I’m now.

By John White

Reflective Symmetry

In room 4 we are learning about reflective symmetry we had to use foam shapes to make anything we wanted but we had to fold our rectangle piece of paper into quarters. Reflective symmetry means when you mirror your artwork it is the same in the mirror. You draw half of your shape on one side and the other on the other side. There was also rotational symmetry. I did reflective symmetry. I found a mistake so I had to take my time to fix it but in the end I got it all fixed by photocopying.    

Thursday 1 November 2018

reflection on imagine a night

Room 4 wrote about Wellington locations as we are going there in week 4 the locations are Te Papa, Weta workshop, Zealandia and Wellington Zoo. I had to write about wellington zoo and I wrote a imaginative piece of writing.

imagine a night

Imagine a night… It all started on a gloomy foggy morning.

Imagine a night… When tiger’s turn into gorillas and the small cute animals into big giant scary animals.

Imagine a night… When A lion at night roaring as loud as I can be, tearing up my raw beef straight from a farm and the blood dripping from my mouth.

Imagine a night… All of a sudden this scary headless monster appeared out of nowhere and it had knifes all through it.

Imagine a night… I guessed it was afraid of the sunlight because it was trying to find a dark place to hide but of course it was walking into everything and anything.

Imagine a night… There was no one walking around, it was dead silence.

Imagine a night… I climbed up a ladder then fell into this pond thing.